Brief description of sensor and lighting design for measuring 6x6 format focal plane shutter with VFMoto tester.

   In sections on measuring 6x6 format focal plane shutters on this website, measurement is done with a VFMoto meter (tester) with lighting and a sensor of my build for this format. Here I offer for download a file with a brief description of their construction so that they can be made according to it, but instructions are not elaborated in all details, firstly their construction is simple and secondly, I assume that everyone will make them according to their own.

A demo of Pentacon six measurement with this sensor and lighting is here: Demo of measuring focal-plane shutter

Excel program for processing measured values is here: Measuring of focal-plane shutter

Resulting lighting and sensor (they are larger) compared to original sensor (for 35mm film) looks like this:

Sensors and lightening for VFMoto

First page of the description looks like this:

Description of building sensor and lighting 6x6 NUF to VFMoto 1 page

Description of build can be downloaded here: Description of building sensor and lighting 6x6 NUF to VFMoto.pdf